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Common and frequently asked questions about 

Clinical Hypnotherapy

What is Hypnosis? AKA....
Is it mind control?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness whereby the conscious mind is in a relaxed neutral state and can be bypassed to allow direct communication to the subconscious. Hypnosis is also known as ’trance’ and is a natural experience which occurs to us daily. For example: • Daydreaming and losing track of time • Being so absorbed in something that you are doing that you forget where you are • Feeling detached from your worries for a while • The monotony of a journey or activity nearly putting you to sleep • Driving from A to B on 'autopilot', forgetting to stop at the shops and noticing how quickly you got home. If you have experienced any of these, you have been in trance. Also when you have been in trance, you have experienced having full control of your thoughts feelings and behaviours, and that you are always in control and can return to full conscious awareness if you choose.

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Firstly, Clinical Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand that miraculously changes our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Clinical Hypnotherapy is therapy! There are a variety of approaches (just as in any therapy) that are used in both waking and deep trance. to support the subconscious mind to make the changes the conscious mind can't seem to make on its own. The mind is like an iceburg, with the analytical-thinking conscious mind being only the small part at the top. Clinical Hypnotherapy bypasses the conscious mind when it is relaxed in trance and works directly with the feeling and memory subconsciousn mind which holds our experiences. Yep... that's a lot of stuff; the good, the bad and the ugly! Clinical Hypnotherapy uses your own inner wisdom, knowing and values to resolve the 'glitch' that limits your conscious mind from making the changes itself. The Cinical Hypnotherapist will guide, support and make suggestions which can create the changes you desire.

How does it work?  AKA...
Will I cluck like a chicken?

Only if you want to :) YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL!! You cannot be made to do anything incongruent to your values, beliefs and morals. If your subconscious mind doesn't want to do anything, it won't. This is the reason why sometimes we can't make that on our own. Stage Hypnosis is different and entertainment. People who get on stage are filtered and then tested for suseptability and aggreeance. Those chosen are also likely to do Karaoke, be the clown at a party and generally comfoprtable doing things in front of crowds. With that said, a persons subconscious mind won't allow them to participate in a performance if it is uncomfortable. One example is if someone has a fear of flying, will not participate in a performance about an impending plane crash. The subconsious will always do what is best for you and what will keep you safe. When you are in trance you are still the captian of the ship and will still guide the therapy.

What should I expect in a session?

Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions are just like any other therapy sessions. It starts with knowing you are in a safe, supportive confidential space, then getting to know each other, understanding the issue, and your goal/desired outcome. The most appropriate approaches are then used to create your desired change and resolving the issue at its core level. Some of the different levels of trance experienced are: • Slow breathing • Relaxed with a wandering mind • Deep relaxation physically and mentally • Heaviness in the body and a reluctance to move • Tingling in arms and/or legs, hands and feet • Heightened sensations and being aware of things going on around you, in particular sounds • Drifting in and out of conscious awareness • A natural sleep ... and any combination. Results will vary from individual to individual, from issue to issue. Some people may see results after the first session while others may not see changes for a few weeks. The number of sessions an individual will need depends on the core isssue and resolving it at the core. This is the wonder of Clinical Hypnotherapy!

You, and only you,

hold the power to shape your reality

Positive transformations occur when you take charge and make it happen

(sorry, no magic wands, just a commitment for a better life)

It is our present moment and our decisions and actions which determines our future.

By actively addressing our challenges and limitations of the NOW

we can make our goals and dreams a reality. 

Start making your positive changes NOW!

Not sure?  Got questions?

Contact Me!

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